Tazmania and Lizard, Sat Dec 17, 2022


HBA → MEL → CNS → LZR and Lizard Island Day 1

We were up at 4:40am for our a 6:10am Jetstar flight.
So far, not cancelled. Quick brush teeth, close up the bags, and call an Uber.

Here we are boarding our Jetstar flight two hours delayed at 8:02am
And getting scolded by the ramp guard for taking a picture...
We are supposed to reach CNS at 9:30 and our flight out of Hinterland on the other side of CNS
airport is at 11:10am, so it looks good for making it to Hinterland on time.


We're in CNS at 9:40am. Yay, we are going to make it after all!
Man it's raining hard though!

Hinterland to LZR

Our flight from CNS → LZR is on a King Air 200.
A few other folks were delayed, so we departed at about noon.
Had fun talking with Carlos and Lulu, Frank and Sonjia, Mike and Dave, and Judy and Roger

Arriving at Lizard International Terminal 1

With limo service right to the bar

Island Namesakes

The yellow-spotted monitor Varanus panoptes is the most conspicuous of the 11 species of lizards on the islands. Most easily seen around the resort area on Lizard Island, it ranges all over the islands and preys on large insects as well as smaller lizards and frogs.

Arrival at the Resort Proper

Welcomed with drinks

And hugs for old friends

This is what the Lizard Island Experience is all about, endless eating of awesome food while talking with wonder people, old and new friends.

Room 13

Long lunch then directed to room 13 where we found out we had a room with a private jacuzzi.

Interesting lamps, maybe something like this for our living room?

Chris read, while Kathi took a shower, then we headed over to bar area for mingling.
Dinner was later due to late lunch. Ate with Luc/Gail, Dave/Mike, and the. Frank and Sonia came over.
