2025 AIS-5 Quintuple Quest, Sat January 25, 2025

An 800km, 13 hour push to Abidjan

I got up early and had breakfast at 7am, planning on an 8am departure, but Ghana time...

Tired of waiting around, I went out in an attempt to find an ATM to get some more XOF for gas today. The leaders were also out of cash and the hotel could not take electronic payment, so I also picked up money for the whole group's hotel and gas for the day. My Wise card (which worked for getting XOF from an ATM in Senegal) did not work for getting XOF in Côte d'Ivoire.

Eventually, the group get its act together and we took off at 10am. There were some tire worries that delayed us a bit more, but Ekow eventually decided to just tough it out. That guy is incredible!

The rest of the day was a serious push with well-defined, short breaks, and steady riding. Towards the end, I called 10 minute breaks every 100 km which I think really helped with fatigue.

We arrived at the Chez tantie Mado resturant for an arrival party at 9:15pm, and had a great dinner for about 1h20m before riding a short 11km, escorted by our Adbijan friends, to the Onomo Airport hotel.

Exhausted, I was showered and asleep by midnight.

Day 15, Odienné → Abidjan

Ride Log

TimeMinuteskmkph avgComment
8:42am8.5 map
8:50am4.12 km25out looking for an ATM to get some XOF to pay for gas and our hotel bill
8:54am2.9 map
8:57am7.73 km21
9:05am1.9 map
9:07am6.42 km20
9:14am9.1 map
9:23am3.72 km25
9:27am14.6 found an ATM, 15 minute wait in line
9:41am2.41 km34back to the hotel
9:44am7.4 pay the hotel bill and go
9:51am9.74 km23
10:01am9.4 more struggle with Ekow's tire
10:10am68.1108 km95
11:18am4.4 map
11:23am77.283 km64
12:40pm1.7 brief road side break near Tangafla
12:42pm31.440 km77
1:13pm4.2 stop for pictures at the central circle of Korhogo
1:18pm4.52 km26
1:22pm32.0 fuel stop in Korhogo
1:54pm9.07 km47
2:03pm2.9 brief road side break
2:06pm59.095 km96
3:05pm9.0 road side break in Niakaramandougou
3:14pm40.166 km99
3:54pm6.8 fuel stop in Katiola
4:01pm22.935 km91
4:24pm14.2 regrouping after part of the group missed a turn
4:38pm73.0122 km101
5:51pm15.7 fuel stop in Morofé
6:07pm64.7103 km95
7:12pm5.8 road-side rest break
7:18pm70.3105 km90
8:28pm10.3 road-side rest break
8:39pm37.437 km59
9:16pm82.3 Chez tantie Mado resturant
10:38pm14.411 km44
10:53pmarriving Onomo Airport Abidjan
14h32m10h08m moving831 km82.0 kph70% moving, 264 minutes of breaks