2024 Iceland Adventure Ride, Fri July 26, 2024

Day 1 Selfoss – Jökulheimar

A Historical Experience of the Stunning Iceland Mountains

Embark on a historic and scenic ride from our home base in Selfoss into the mountains. Our route will take us in the direction of Þórisvatn, Iceland’s largest lake. Along the way, we’ll explore several breathtaking waterfalls, including Hjálparfoss and Háifoss, which is the second-highest waterfall in the country.

As we delve deeper into the highlands, we’ll encounter a territory that defies description and can only be truly experienced. Our first day’s journey will conclude in a cozy mountain hut nestled at the foot of Europe’s largest glacier, Vatnajökull. There, we’ll prepare a delicious meal of fresh Icelandic fish or sweet steak, surrounded by some of the most awe-inspiring natural scenery in the world.

A fully-blasted day of adventure and unforgettable sights as we track on from Selfoss to Jökulheimar with Ride With Locals.


Pickup from Grettir Guesthouse, van to RideWithLocals.is Selfoss

Ride Log

TimeMinuteskmkph avgComment
6:50amup a bit before 7am to shower and pack
7:25amwent for bread to Braud & Co
7:55amstarted waiting outside my Hostel (1hr wait)
8:51am0.1 van to Selfoss with Skúli driving
8:51am46.067 km88van to Selfoss with Skúli driving
9:40amarrived Selfoss RideWithLocals garage
49m 49m moving67 km82.6 kph100% moving, 0 minutes of breaks

Ride dirtbikes to Jökulheimar hut near the Vatnajökull glacier in Vatnajökull National Park

Ride Log

TimeMinuteskmkph avgComment
9:40amarrived Selfoss RideWithLocals garage
9:37am8.9 map
9:47am37.5 repacked and suited up ready to go
10:24am67.7 long wait for a big group to get ready
11:32am38.544 km68
12:14pm24.1 gas stop at N1 Árnes
12:38pm14.018 km76
12:55pm4.6 map
12:59pm9.16 km39
1:09pm27.8 stop for pictures at Hjálparfoss waterfall and fix Steve's flat tire
1:37pm12.19 km43
1:50pm8.4 pictures at Gjáin waterfall
1:58pm14.811 km43
2:13pm11.9 pictures at Háifoss waterfall
2:25pm14.7 map
2:40pm2.21 km41
2:43pm0.1 map
2:43pm4.43 km41
2:50pm0.1 map
2:50pm9.69 km56
3:02pm0.1 map
3:02pm24.817 km41
3:28pm23.6 lunch break
3:52pm13.817 km75
4:10pm0.1 map
4:10pm11.412 km63
4:27pm0.1 first river crossing
4:27pm2.53 km70first river crossing
4:34pm0.1 map
4:34pm4.03 km38
4:43pm0.6 map
4:43pm0.10 km12
4:46pm0.1 map
4:46pm2.52 km43
4:51pm0.1 map
4:51pm11.610 km52
5:08pm0.1 map
5:08pm6.74 km35
5:16pm0.1 map
5:16pm11.610 km52
5:32pm0.1 map
5:32pm12.812 km55
5:54pm0.4 map
5:54pm10.87 km37
6:07pmarrived at Jökulheimar hut
8h33m4h42m moving197 km42.0 kph55% moving, 231 minutes of breaks




Moving Horses

Our first stream crossing

Wooden bridges are fine when dry, but slippery when wet
Starting to rain

Jökulheimar glacier research hut

Walking to the glacier

I walked for about 20 minutes toward the glacier before I realized that it was about 5 km (3 miles) from the hut. As I got closer to the glacier, the river got bigger and it was going to force my path substantially more than those 5km.