2024 Iceland Adventure Ride, Wed July 24, 2024

2nd day drive from Reykjavik up to Reykhólar

Ride Log

TimeMinuteskmkph avgComment
8:30amdeparted Sunna Guesthouse in Reykjavik
8:41am0.1 started recording a few minutes after leaving my hotel
8:30amdeparted Sunna Guesthouse in Reykjavik
8:41am3.91 km21started recording a few minutes after leaving my hotel
8:47am0.4 this gas station was out of gasoline
8:47am3.83 km53this gas station was out of gasoline
8:53am2.6 I had better luck at this N1 station
8:56am28.934 km71
9:28am0.1 exiting the 5 km tunnel under Hvalfjörður fjord
9:28am30.538 km75exiting the 5 km tunnel under Hvalfjörður fjord
10:00am0.5 map
10:00am43.957 km78
10:52am16.3 Breiðablik Visitor Center
11:08am47.762 km78
11:58am0.1 Just before Búlandshöfði View Point
11:58am0.81 km41Just before Búlandshöfði View Point
12:01pm0.1 at Búlandshöfði View Point
12:01pm3.12 km35at Búlandshöfði View Point
12:05pm4.7 hiked down to the beach at Búlandshöfði View Point
12:10pm93.689 km57
1:46pm0.1 quick photo stop at a spot with a clear view
1:46pm36.447 km77quick photo stop at a spot with a clear view
2:22pm6.7 waterfall?
2:29pm3.8 waterfall?
2:33pm49.155 km67
3:21pmarrived at the Reykhólar HI Hostel
6h56m6h07m moving390 km63.7 kph88% moving, 49 minutes of breaks

North of the 5km Hvalfjörður Tunnel (Hvalfjarðargöng)

Snæfellsnes visitor center

Búlandshöfði View Point

Coming down from the pass on highway 54 onto the north shore. Up until now, I've been driving in low visibility fog and rain. Now, as I descend to the coast, I dip below the clouds and begin to see the terrain.

Reykhólar HI Hostel

Out for a walk into Reykhólar