2024 Iceland Adventure Ride, Tue July 30, 2024

Day 5 — Álftavötn – Álftavötn

Some Things Must Come As a Surprise

Today we do not have to start the day taking everything together as we stay here another night. This day is one of the most incredible in the trip with several highlights that will leave you breathless. One of the highlights is Eldgjá, a canyon that was formed during one of the largest volcanic eruptions in Iceland’s history. It’s about 60 km long, 600 m wide, and up to 150 m deep. The beauty of Eldgjá is unparalleled, with towering cliffs and a volcanic landscape that looks otherworldly.

Another highlight of the day is Langisjór Lake, one of the most remote and stunningly beautiful lakes in Iceland. The lake is about 20 km long and up to 2 km wide, and its crystal-clear waters reflect the surrounding mountains and glaciers. The lake is located in the Fjallabak Nature Reserve, an area known for its rugged and dramatic landscapes.

Breiðbakur Mountain is another sight that will take your breath away. This majestic mountain is located in the heart of the Fjallabak Nature Reserve and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. At 857 meters above sea level, it’s a challenging climb, but the reward is worth it.

Last but not least, Blautulón Lake is a stunningly beautiful oasis in the middle of the barren Icelandic highlands. The lake is known for its vibrant blue color, which is caused by the high concentration of minerals in the water. It’s a perfect spot for a refreshing dip, and the views are nothing short of breathtaking.

These are just a few of the highlights that await you on this incredible day. So, rev up the bike, get in the groove, ride out, and let the magic of Iceland’s natural beauty unfold before your eyes.


sick day at Hólaskjól Hálendismiðstöð - Higland Center (this track from Elise who did the ride)

Ride Log

TimeMinuteskmkph avgComment
1:56pm1255.2 map
10:52am37.428 km45
11:29am6.5 map
11:36am14.49 km36
11:50am15.7 map
12:06pm14.410 km40
12:21pm7.6 map
12:29pm17.714 km47
12:46pm19.5 map
1:06pm22.618 km47
1:29pm3.5 map
1:32pm14.67 km29
2:04pm0.3 map
2:05pm2.61 km30
2:15pm0.0 map
2:16pm9.66 km39
2:26pm2.6 map
2:29pm15.18 km32
2:44pm3.9 map
2:48pm6.94 km32
2:55pm12.0 map
3:07pm28.215 km33
3:42pm0.2 map
2h00m3h38m moving128 km35.2 kph181% moving, -98 minutes of breaks

At around 5pm, I felt well enough to sit up and talk for a couple of hours, but I didn't eat any dinner, and I just went back to sleep again. It total, I slept about 30 hours out of 36 contiguous hours. I'm fortunate that this happened while we were at the Hólaskjól Higland Center for two nights in a row. This norovirus is really horrible.