Walking London and Croatia by Scooters, Sun Sep 11, 2022


Sun 2022/09/11 flights to PDX for Kathi and ZUR for Chris

I found the roof truss structure in the Zagreb airport fascinating.

Joe recommends this hot end for my Prusa MK3i 3D printer

RedBull Cliff Diving Championship

Official video of the event at redbull.com

Joe and I were not able to actually see any divers from the roads, but we had a good view of the rafts of spectators floating around the divers' entry point.

Motorcycle with Joe to check out the RedBull cliff diving championship

The RedBull cliff diving competition is well hidden behind that cliff behind those trees.

Dinner is Cevapcici (Qebapqiqi) from Qebaptore+Burektore Gjakova Imbiss - Arth-Goldau

Walk down to Zugersee for a gelato
